You’re never too old or too young to have your spine checked

Chiropractic care is just as important for the growing nervous system and spine as it is for adults.


“Life for the newborn depends upon the preservation and healthy functioning of the brainstem and spinal cord at the level of the upper neck” - Abraham Towbin M.D.

We highly recommend newborn checks to ensure optimal function from birth. Whether you’ve had intervention, a difficult pregnancy; short or long labour - or a smooth sailing entry to the world - The greatest gift you can give yourself and your bubba is to ensure their nervous system is firing as best it can from the start :)

We work collaboratively with IBCLC’s and dentists for tongue / lip tie body work pre/post revision for bubba’s; and to attempt to avoid where we can. This type of body work involves a holistic assessment - including a thorough history, neurological and orthopaedic examination.

Why would you have your baby checked?

Care is tailored to each baby and techniques used are gentle - please call us at Nomad Chiropractic if you would like to discuss anything on Ph 0491 064 117. A chat about your concerns will help to determine if an assessment might be necessary; and if chiropractic is the right modality for you and your family.

  • Locate a Paediatric Chiropractor near you here

  • Locate a Member of the Australian College of Chiropractic Paediatrics click here



(1).  Joyce, M.,Fontana, M., Jernlas, K.,Olofsson, H & Verwijst. I. 2013. Risks and rewards of early musculoskeletal assessment. Journal of Health Visiting. Vol 1: Issue 10: 590-596


Want to be more comfortable when you’re feeding? Have you tried a maternity pillow?

Chiropractors: Dr Lucy Bartlett, Dr Olivia Kerr & Dr Kristin Webb are Family Wellness practitioners based in Mosman NSW with a focus on paedatrics and pregnancy care