chiropractic babies

Infant Shoulder Dysfunction

Infant Shoulder Dysfunction

“The presence of glenohumeral joint (shoulder) dysfunction in infants has been found to be associated with increased irritable behaviour.
Irritable behaviour in infants is important, as it has been found to be associated with decreased infant sleeping as well as a number of co-morbidities, such as lower IQ scores, poorer fine motor abilities, increased cognitive problems at 5 years of age, and hyperactivity.” (Dr’s Keil and Fludder). Click to read the full article.

Plagiocephaly - headshape asymmetry

Plagiocephaly - headshape asymmetry

Author: Chiropractic Children’s Healthcare….”Head asymmetry can be evident from birth in about 13% of babies due to in utero moulding of the shape of the baby’s head; in most cases rapid correction of the baby’s head shape occurs soon after birth. Most cases of head asymmetry develop after birth becoming apparent to the parents or to a health care professional between four to eight weeks of age.” Click to read on

Breastfeeding Difficulty

Breastfeeding Difficulty

The benefits of breastfeeding are many. They include: nutritional, immunological, cognitive, decreased morbidity and mortality, analgesic effects, decreased costs (products, healthcare), decreased risk of allergy, and improved jaw development and dentition(1)…. so what happens if you have difficulty? You’re not alone… click to read on