paediatric chiropractic

Why is muscle tone so important in children?

Why is muscle tone so important in children?

Muscle tone is the indicator of effective development in our children.
Muscle tone helps with confidence and ability with skills that require balance, coordination and proprioception.
Muscle tone supports posture/alignment, which helps with proper biomechanics of the body/joints.
Good muscle tone in early months and years of life is crucial in the development of the lower limbs
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Chiropractic and the Breastfeeding Baby: New case report explores cranial dysfunction link (ASRF)

Chiropractic and the Breastfeeding Baby: New case report explores cranial dysfunction link (ASRF)

Breastfeeding is no small task. It is baby’s first act of multitasking – sucking, swallowing and breathing. We know that it provides advantages in terms of attachment and immunity among other things. We also know that for some, it just doesn’t work out. But what can a chiropractor do to support a mother who is facing difficulties but wants to persevere? That’s where a new case report proves interesting.

Favourable indicators for manual therapy and colic – new study (ASRF)

Favourable indicators for manual therapy and colic – new study (ASRF)

Colic: Probiotics and Manual Therapy recommended:
A new study has been released by the British Medical Journal, feeding into the seemingly endless quest for an answer on effective treatments for colic. In what is perhaps a telling move, the study was a systematic review of systematic reviews and national guidelines to “assess the effectiveness of four common treatment approaches.” Yes, you read that right, a review of the reviews – and still the news is this: manual therapies come out quite favorably in terms of effectiveness